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heavy metal detoxification
30-day complete program

heavy metal detoxification

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4 components for comprehensive natural support of heavy metal detoxification

Why do a heavy metal detoxification?

Heavy Metals 1 are among the most toxic substances in our environment because they are already present in Even the smallest amounts can damage our cells and disrupt biological processes can be profoundly disturbing.

At the same time, we come into contact with heavy metals in everyday life by: dental treatments, cosmetics, medicines, agrochemicals, emissions, Cleaning agents, general environmental pollution (soil and groundwater) and Foods that contain heavy metals. 2

The problem is that the body cannot absorb large amounts of heavy metals This means that the body is quickly overwhelmed and Heavy metals remain in the body.

What are the consequences of heavy metal pollution?

Heavy metals can cause health problems How:

  • rheumatic complaints
  • infections
  • high blood pressure
  • cardiac arrhythmias
  • nervousness
  • chronic fatigue and exhaustion
  • psychological changes
  • anxiety, depression
  • Headache
  • chronic pain
  • hormonal disorders
  • and much more

In addition, cognitive disorders such as:

  • increasing forgetfulness
  • attention deficits
  • concentration problems
  • up to memory loss
  • Problems with mental performance (comprehension, learning speed, processing speed, etc.)

These complaints are often due to the Damage caused by heavy metals in our bodies can:

  • damage to cell structures
  • damage to tissue structures
  • inflammation in the body
  • acceleration of degenerative (aging) processes
  • disturbance of nerve function

How can I support heavy metal detoxification naturally?

For heavy metal elimination, a 3-stage measure is required: 3

  1. Mobilize heavy metals
    First, the Heavy metals are removed from their depots.

  1. bind heavy metals
    The separated Heavy metals must be bound so that the body can excrete them and does not deposit them again.

  1. remove heavy metals
    If the two steps have passed through before, the body can finally remove the heavy metals excrete and get rid of.

The components of the Jorinde program are designed to prepare the body for naturally effective in all three steps of heavy metal elimination and provide comprehensive support.

What improvements in health and well-being are possible?

Experience has shown that heavy metal detoxification can contribute to improvements How:

  • relief of various, especially chronic, complaints
  • more stable emotional state
  • regulation of the circulation
  • Energy and Motivation in Everyday Life
  • strengthening the immune system
  • Restoration of cognitive performance (concentration, learning ability, mental endurance and clarity)
  • general personal well-being
  • regulation of hormone levels
  • faster results with positive impulses (change in diet, exercise and sports, natural treatments, relaxation techniques, meditation, etc.)
  • Overcoming therapy resistance
  • and much more

What components does the Jorinde program contain for the Heavy metal detoxification?

The Jorinde program for heavy metal elimination contains 4 components (plus guide) for comprehensive natural support of the body in heavy metal elimination.

These are:

Jorinde MonoKlin
Jorinde MonoKlin
Jorinde ExoChelat
Jorinde ExoChelat
Jorinde Koriander
Jorinde Koriander
Jorinde AminoVimin
Jorinde AminoVimin

This gives you a complete program for comprehensive natural support for heavy metal elimination .

  1. On the scientific classification of the term heavy metals you can here: read it. ↩︎

  2. , , , (As of June 2023) ↩︎

  3. These processes partially overlap, that is, certain Substances fulfill, more or less, several or all of the three tasks, but ultimately you have to carry out all three measures, to achieve success. ↩︎


see the respective preparation

consumption recommendation

Jorinde AminoVimin
Täglich 2 Kapseln unverkaut mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit einnehmen.
Jorinde Koriander Tropfen
3x 15 bis 20 Tropfen täglich. In ein Glas Wasser geben und trinken.
Jorinde ExoChelat
Täglich 4 Kapseln unzerkaut mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit einnehmen.
Jorinde MonoKlin
Dreimal täglich 2 Messlöffel (2,5 g) MonoKlin-Pulver in Wasser (min. 0,2 l) aufrühren und 30 Minuten vor den Hauptmahlzeiten trinken.

Hinweise zur Anwendung von Jorinde MonoKlinArt der AnwendungFür ausreichende Flüssigkeitszufuhr in Form von Wasser oder alkoholfreien Getränken während der Anwendung sorgen. VorsichtsmaßnahmenBei Auftreten von Verstopfung ist die Flüssigkeitszufuhr zu erhöhen. Herz- bzw. Nierenpatienten sollten sich einer regelmäßigen Überprüfung des Blut-Kalium-Spiegels unterziehen. WechselwirkungenBei gleichzeitiger Einnahme anderer Therapeutika sollte auf einen zeitlichen Abstand von mindestens 2 Stunden geachtet werden. NebenwirkungenBei unzureichender Flüssigkeitszufuhr kann es zu Verstopfungen kommen. GegenanzeigenNicht geeignet für Schwangere und Kleinkinder, sowie ungeeignet für Patienten nach Organtransplantationen. Patienten mit eingeschränkter Nierenfunktion sollten vor der Behandlung unbedingt ihren Arzt konsultieren.

Shipping and Delivery

Shipping in Switzerland from Swiss warehouse via Swiss Post. Shipping in Germany , Austria , France and EU from EU warehouse via DHL Premium.
No customs fees or delays.
All information about shipping can be found here: Shipping


dietary supplements
Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended consumption amount. Store in a cool, dry place.

Results from using supplements vary from person to person. Customer product reviews are not guarantees. We do not verify or endorse any of the statements made in these reviews.

Products containing piperine: should only be consumed after consulting a specialist when taking certain medications; not suitable for pregnant women; the consumption of other food supplements containing selenium should be avoided.

This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease. The information provided does not constitute advice and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a professional. This information cannot and should not replace treatment by a qualified professional. If you need health advice or help, you should seek professional advice.

Hinweise zur EU-Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR). Name & Anschrift des Herstellers: Jorinde AG, Rue de Plantzette 13, 3960 Sierre, Schweiz. Email:, Webseite: Download: Konformitätserklärung - hier klicken

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Jorinde Persönlicher Leitfaden

Personal Guide

With your order you will receive our 12-page guide free of charge . In it you will find practical instructions and recommendations for your detoxification that we would like to give you.

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    Free shipping within Switzerland for orders over CHF 100.

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    Shipping within one working day with tracking.

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    VISA, MasterCard, Twint, Postfinance, Paypal, Apple Pay, Google Pay.

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