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14-week full program

14-week full program

Regular price CHF 599.00
Sale price CHF 599.00 Regular price CHF 653.00
-8% Sold out
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What is the Jorinde 14-week full program?

The Jorinde 14-week program is a natural treatment program for holistic and causal support of health , well-being , resilience and performance .

Which products does the Jorinde 14-week program contain?

The Jorinde 14-week full program contains all the products you need to complete the program:

  • 1x Jorinde intestinal cleansing
  • 1x Jorinde Detoxification Agent
  • 1x Jorinde detoxification treatment
  • 1x Jorinde ExoChelat
  • 1x Jorinde AminoVimin
  • 1x Jorinde Coriander Drops
  • 1x Jorinde MonoKlin
  • 1x Jorinde Acid-Base Balance
  • 1x Jorinde Rechtslactic acid
  • 1x Jorinde liver treatment
  • 1x Jorinde Probiotic
  • 1x Jorinde mushroom cure
  • 1x Jorinde Absorptiv

How does the program work?

The Jorinde 14-week program follows a specific sequence and structure .

Period phase
weeks 1 to 4 Phase 1: Colon cleansing
week 3 to 6 Phase 2: Detoxification treatment
week 5 to 8 Phase 3: Heavy metal elimination
week 7 to 10 Phase 4: Acid-base balance, liver treatment
weeks 11 to 14 Phase 5: Intestinal flora development

What does the Jorinde 14-week program do?

regulatory therapy

The Jorinde 14-week program is a natural regulatory therapy . Its aim is to support the restoration of our body's core functions so that our organism can renew its condition from the ground up and from within.

most frequently mentioned results

The most common results reported by users include:*

  • more energy in everyday life
  • better digestion (especially less constipation, flatulence, irritable bowel syndrome and feeling of fullness)
  • Increase in physical, mental and cognitive performance
  • increased resilience
  • stronger immune system
  • more vitality , joy of life and emotional stability
  • natural weight loss (achieving a comfortable weight)
  • Normalization of eating behavior and regulation of appetite
  • breaking through so-called therapy resistance
  • you need less sleep , etc.

Of course, the results of a treatment vary from person to person because many individual factors play a role. The key is that we support our body in regenerating itself naturally and through its own processes.

6 francs / euros per day for your health

The Jorinde 14-week full program is an investment in your health. 14 weeks correspond to 98 days. This means that you spend around 6 francs / euros per day on the program. We are convinced that it will be worth it for you.

Start the Jorinde 14-week full program now!


see the respective preparation

consumption recommendation

Phase 1: Darmreinigung

Jorinde Darmreinigung
8,0 g Pulver (entspricht 1 gestrichenen Messlöffel à 15 ml) in 250 ml Wasser einrühren und mixen.
Jorinde Ausleitungsmittel
2 Kapseln täglich mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit.

Phase 2: Entgiftung

Jorinde Entgiftungskur
3 Kapseln täglich mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit.

Phase 3: Schwermetallausleitung

Jorinde ExoChelat
Täglich 4 Kapseln unzerkaut mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit
Jorinde Koriandertropfen
3x 15 bis 20 Tropfen täglich in ein Glas Wasser geben, kurz umrühren und trinken.
Jorinde MonoKlin
Dreimal täglich 2 Messlöffel (2,5 g) in Wasser aufrühren und trinken. Wichtig: 30 Minuten vor- und nachher keine andern Präparate nehmen!
Jorinde AminoVimin
Täglich 2 Kapseln unverkaut mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit.

Phase 4: Säure-Base-Haushalt, Leber

Jorinde Säure–Base–Balance
Abends 2 Kapseln mit reichlich Flüssigkeit.
Jorinde Rechtsmilchsäure
3x 15 bis 20 Tropfen täglich in ein Glas Wasser geben, kurz umrühren und trinken. Wichtig: Nicht unverdünnt einnehmen!
Jorinde Leberkur
3 Kapseln täglich mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit.

Phase 5: Darmflora Aufbau

Jorinde Probiotikum
2 Kapseln täglich mit reichlich Flüssigkeit.
Jorinde Absorptiv
Täglich 5 g mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit annrühren und trinken. Wichtig: 30 Minuten vor- und nachher keine andern Präparate nehmen!
Jorinde Pilzkur
3 Kapseln täglich mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit.

Weitere Hinweise für eine erfolgreiche Kur:

  • Führen Sie das gesamte Programm möglichst ohne Unterbruch durch.
  • Erlauben Sie sich selbst ausreichend Erholung, Pausen, Bewegung und Schlaf.
  • Vermeiden Sie, so weit es geht, anhaltenden starken Stress oder übermäßige Belastung.
  • Beachten Sie die Hinweise in Ihrem Persönlichen Leitfaden und auf den Produktpackungen.

Shipping and Delivery

Shipping in Switzerland from Swiss warehouse via Swiss Post. Shipping in Germany , Austria , France and EU from EU warehouse via DHL Premium.
No customs fees or delays.
All information about shipping can be found here: Shipping


dietary supplements
Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended consumption amount. Store in a cool, dry place.

Results from using supplements vary from person to person. Customer product reviews are not guarantees. We do not verify or endorse any of the statements made in these reviews.

Products containing piperine: should only be consumed after consulting a specialist when taking certain medications; not suitable for pregnant women; the consumption of other food supplements containing selenium should be avoided.

This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease. The information provided does not constitute advice and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a professional. This information cannot and should not replace treatment by a qualified professional. If you need health advice or help, you should seek professional advice.

Hinweise zur EU-Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR). Name & Anschrift des Herstellers: Jorinde AG, Rue de Plantzette 13, 3960 Sierre, Schweiz. Email:, Webseite: Download: Konformitätserklärung - hier klicken

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Jorinde Persönlicher Leitfaden

Personal Guide

With your order you will receive our 12-page guide free of charge . In it you will find practical instructions and recommendations for your detoxification that we would like to give you.

  • Free shipping

    Free shipping within Switzerland for orders over CHF 100.

  • Fast delivery

    Shipping within one working day with tracking.

  • payment methods

    VISA, MasterCard, Twint, Postfinance, Paypal, Apple Pay, Google Pay.

Jorinde Kundendienst

customer service

Do you have any questions about the product? Would you like to order by phone? Would you like product advice?

Call us or write to us. We are happy to help you: Customer Service