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instant herbal tea
Metabolism & Energy

instant herbal tea

Regular price CHF 33.00
Sale price CHF 33.00 Regular price
Unit price CHF 66.00  per  100g
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Stimulate body, mind and metabolism

The natural ingredients of Jorinde tea can help Stimulate body, mind and metabolism .

Benefits of an improved metabolism

  • Improved weight management

    A faster metabolism burns more calories and thus helps with weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight.

  • Increased energy performance

    An increased metabolism provides the body with more energy by that efficiently converts food into fuel.

  • Improved digestion

    Stimulating the metabolism can improve digestive processes, which leads to better nutrient absorption and less bloating.

  • Supports hormonal balance

    An active metabolism contributes to the regulation of hormones that crucial role in overall health and well-being play.

  • Promotes fat loss

    By stimulating the body to use fat stores for energy use, a stimulated metabolism can lead to the reduction of body fat contribute, especially in conjunction with regular physical Activity.

Supporting the body's own detoxification by stimulating the metabolism

An active metabolism supports the body's own detoxification of the organism in many ways:

  • Improved elimination of toxins

    A faster metabolism supports the liver, kidneys and digestive system to process toxins more efficiently and to be eliminated.

  • Improved blood circulation

    By stimulating the metabolism, blood flow is increased, which Transport of nutrients and removal of waste products from the tissue supports.

  • Support of natural detoxification pathways

    The metabolism stimulates the body's natural detoxification systems such as the liver’s ability to break down harmful substances and to be eliminated.

  • Enhanced cell repair and regeneration

    An active metabolism promotes cell activity and supports the Repair and renewal of cells, which for detoxification processes is essential.

  • Efficient energy use

    By converting stored fat and other energy sources into fuel, the body can produce unwanted by-products, including fat-soluble toxins.

with 7 herbal extracts and Zynamite®

Jorinde Instant Tea contains Zynamite® and 7 herbal extracts :

  • elderflower
  • thyme
  • peppermint
  • lemon balm
  • lady's mantle
  • rose hips
  • hibiscus flowers


Zynamite® is a trademarked, natural mango leaf extract with exceptional effectiveness. 2

It can be used for natural support and stimulation in the following areas: 3

  • improvement of physical performance
  • faster muscle recovery
  • increasing mental alertness
  • improving mental performance
  • reducing cognitive fatigue
  • and much more

Unlike caffeine, Zynamite® does not cause nervousness, internal Restlessness, no increase in heart rate or other side effects that can be associated with the consumption of (too much) caffeine.


Jorinde Instant Herbal Tea Application

Pour about 250ml of still water into a glass.

Jorinde Instant Herbal Tea Application

Add desired amount of Jorinde herbal tea .

Jorinde Instant Herbal Tea Application

Stir before drinking. Done! Enjoy your tea.

  1. List of currently available studies on Zynamite® (PDF): download ↩︎

  2. The properties of Zynamite® vary from person to person and vary in intensity depending on the dosage. ↩︎


dietary supplements

Überragende Technologie dank führender Markenrohstoffe: Zynamite® 15.

Zusammensetzung nach dem Prinzip der Reinsubstanz-Rezeptur: frei von (unnötigen) Farb-, Aroma-, Fließ-, Füll- oder sonstigen Hilfsstoffen.

Zutaten: Zynamite® 15, Holunderblütenextrakt, Thymianextrakt, Pfefferminzeextrakt, Steviablätterpulver, Koffein, Melissenextrakt, Frauenmantelextrakt, Hagebuttenextrakt, Hibiskusblütenpulver (aus kontrolliertem Anbau). Hilfsstoffe: Fructose, Maltodextrin, Zitronenaroma natürlich

Nährwerte pro Tagesdosis (2.8 g): Zynamite® 15 140.0 mg (**), Koffein 42.0 mg (**)

** Keine NRV (NRV = Referenzmengen für Erwachsene für die tägliche Zufuhr) vorhanden.

Zusammensetzung nach dem Prinzip der Reinsubstanz-Rezeptur: frei von (unnötigen) Farb-, Aroma-, Fließ-, Füll- oder sonstigen Hilfsstoffen.

Enthält Koffein. Für Kinder und schwangere Frauen nicht empfohlen.

Zynamite® is a trademark of Nektium.

Content: 50 g / powder

Production country: Switzerland

consumption recommendation

Täglich 2.8 g (entspricht ca. einem halben Teelöffel), oder je nach Bedarf und Geschmack, mit heissem oder kaltem Wasser annrühren und trinken.

Enthält Koffein. Für Kinder und Schwangere nicht empfohlen.

Die ideale Dosierung für Zynamite® lautet:

  • 140mg: steigert die körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit
  • 300mg: steigert die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit

Diese Zahlen sind Richtwerte und variieren in der Praxis von Person zu Person. Sie können die Einnahme des Jorinde Tees entsprechend Ihren persönlichen Bedürfnissen anpassen.

Shipping and Delivery

Shipping in Switzerland from Swiss warehouse via Swiss Post. Shipping in Germany , Austria , France and EU from EU warehouse via DHL Premium.
No customs fees or delays.
All information about shipping can be found here: Shipping


dietary supplements
Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended consumption amount. Store in a cool, dry place.

Results from using supplements vary from person to person. Customer product reviews are not guarantees. We do not verify or endorse any of the statements made in these reviews.

Products containing piperine: should only be consumed after consulting a specialist when taking certain medications; not suitable for pregnant women; the consumption of other food supplements containing selenium should be avoided.

This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease. The information provided does not constitute advice and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a professional. This information cannot and should not replace treatment by a qualified professional. If you need health advice or help, you should seek professional advice.

Hinweise zur EU-Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR). Name & Anschrift des Herstellers: Jorinde AG, Rue de Plantzette 13, 3960 Sierre, Schweiz. Email:, Webseite: Download: Konformitätserklärung - hier klicken

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Jorinde Persönlicher Leitfaden

Personal Guide

With your order you will receive our 12-page guide free of charge . In it you will find practical instructions and recommendations for your detoxification that we would like to give you.

  • Free shipping

    Free shipping within Switzerland for orders over CHF 100.

  • Fast delivery

    Shipping within one working day with tracking.

  • payment methods

    VISA, MasterCard, Twint, Postfinance, Paypal, Apple Pay, Google Pay.

Jorinde Kundendienst

customer service

Do you have any questions about the product? Would you like to order by phone? Would you like product advice?

Call us or write to us. We are happy to help you: Customer Service