regulatory therapy

What is regulatory therapy?

Regulatory therapy is a term used in naturopathy. In regulation therapy we assume that our Body functions according to interconnected control circuits . Through these The body controls and regulates the large number of processes, which are necessary to keep the organism in good condition and in balance.

The aim of regulatory therapy is the intact Basic regulation of the body, which we also call the system of Self-regulation of the organism . We achieve this goal by eliminating so-called regulatory disorders . This approach forms in many ways the basis of Health , well-being , resilience and performance .

The measures of regulatory therapy work holistic and causal, i.e. not – as is the case with many common Methods are the case – selectively and symptomatically 1 . This is important because the modern way of life is The body's own regulation comes to a standstill in many people and causes regulatory disorders .

Where does regulatory therapy come from?

The area of ​​basic regulation was founded Prof. Dr. Alfred Pischinger (* 15 July 1899 Linz, † 7 July 1983 Vienna). In 1975 he published the book «System of basic regulation».

The issue of basic regulation is undoubtedly complex. We will therefore limit ourselves to here on the practical aspects of basic regulation.

What are systemic chronic regulatory disorders?

Many people today live in a state of systemic chronic regulatory disorders . That is, the Basic regulation of the body functions only partially and incompletely, or has even come to a standstill in some parts.

The primary consequences of the regulatory disorder include:

  • weakening of the body's self-healing powers
  • Latent acidification of the tissue
  • persistent disturbance of physiological balance
  • loss of the organism's ability to self-regulate

This all sounds a bit abstract. What are the concrete Signs of regulatory disorder ?

Health Problems of Modern Man

There are a number typical complaints of modern man . We have some the most important ones are listed here:

  • Fatigue : often causeless, persistent exhaustion, lack of energy
  • Signs of a "burn out" syndrome
  • Digestive problems : constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, Irritable bowel syndrome, cravings, cravings, etc.
  • Decline in performance : gradual decline in physical, mental, cognitive performance; everyday life is (increasingly) stressful
  • poor sleep : lack of rest, difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakening, residual tiredness when getting up in the morning
  • Hypersensitivity : to environmental substances and foods; Allergies, therapy resistance, overreactions
  • Susceptibility to stress : Overwork, nervous problems, stress, lack of resilience
  • depressive mood : lack of interest, lack of motivation
  • Overstimulation : latent aggressiveness, anxiety, Nervousness; feeling of being constantly under pressure
  • degenerative regression : premature muscle loss, Fat gain (problem areas), stubborn overweight, etc.

Naturopathy assumes that many of these complaints are due to regulatory disorders or at least through regulatory therapy much better or even can only be treated properly if this context.

What exactly do we mean by regulatory therapy?

The aim of regulatory therapy is to restore the body's natural basic regulation. It gives the body the strength which it needs for self-healing and helps natural balances and balancing processes to restore.

Especially in the case of chronic diseases and diffuse complaints, i.e. (often recurring) physical problems without recognizable and/or If the cause is immediately treatable, this therapeutic approach achieves great success.

regulatory therapy measures

A successful regulatory therapy includes 4 Measures:

  1. detoxification and elimination
  2. regulation of acid-base balance
  3. heavy metal detoxification
  4. intestinal cleansing

Colon cleansing, in turn, has 3 areas:

  1. colon cleansing
  2. fungal treatment
  3. intestinal flora development

This allows us to target a Restoration of the body's natural basic regulation control.

What health improvements does regulatory therapy enable?

The main goal of Jorinde products is the effective natural Supporting the basic regulation of our body. belong:

  • Natural mobilization and elimination of pollutants, fungi and parasites
  • intestinal cleansing, intestinal rehabilitation and intestinal flora building
  • activation of the body's own self-healing powers
  • Get your metabolism going again
  • deacidification and acid-base balance

This allows us to improve the basic regulation of the body , but also restore important balances of the organism . This forms the basis for health , well-being and performance .

The most common results reported by users are are:

  • more energy in everyday life
  • better digestion (especially less constipation, flatulence, irritable bowel syndrome and feeling of fullness)
  • Increase in physical, mental and cognitive performance
  • increased resilience
  • stronger immune system
  • more vitality, joy of life and emotional stability
  • natural weight loss (achieving a comfortable weight)
  • Normalization of eating behavior and regulation of appetite
  • you need less sleep, etc.

The results of a treatment vary from person to person because many individual factors play a role. The decisive factor is that we allow our Enable the body to heal itself naturally and through its own processes to regenerate.

Jorinde 14-week full program

We have designed the Jorinde 14-week full program to To support the body's basic regulation with natural means.

All information about the program can be found here: Jorinde 14-week full program

  1. symptomatic: only on the symptoms, not on the cause of a symptoms ↩︎

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