Fiber against flatulence and constipation
Fiber is important for our digestion, especially They can be of great benefit in cases of flatulence and constipation. In addition, they offer many benefits for our health and our well-being.
How fiber helps against constipation
Fiber is a good natural support for constipation. It can support digestion in many ways:
Increase in stool volume:
Dietary fiber binds water in the intestine and increases stool volume. This makes the stool softer and easier to excrete. -
Stimulation of intestinal movement (peristalsis):
The increased volume stretches the intestinal wall and stimulates the intestinal muscles, which accelerates the movement of intestinal contents. -
Improvement of stool consistency:
Soluble fiber forms a gel that softens the stool. Insoluble fiber increases the mass and thus facilitates passage. -
Promoting healthy intestinal bacteria:
Dietary fiber serves as food for beneficial intestinal bacteria, which produce short-chain fatty acids and promote intestinal health. -
Acceleration of intestinal transit time:
Fiber helps to shorten the time stool stays in the intestine, This means that water is not excessively removed, which only leads to blockage would promote. -
Prevention of hardened stool:
Due to the water binding, the stool remains moist and malleable, which Prevents constipation. -
Regularity of bowel movements:
A diet rich in fiber contributes to regular bowel movements which prevents constipation in the long term.
Important: Drink when using fiber Drink enough water, as fiber without enough liquid can can worsen constipation.
How fiber can help against flatulence
However, fiber can not only help with constipation, but also with Flatulence helps. Constipation and flatulence are often connected. Fiber can help with bloating in the following ways:
Regulation of intestinal movement:
Dietary fiber promotes regular bowel activity, which helps to eliminate excess Gases can be excreted more quickly.Promoting a healthy intestinal flora:
Dietary fiber serves as food for beneficial intestinal bacteria, which promote healthy balance and reduce gas formation.Reducing constipation:
Constipation can cause gases to become trapped. Fiber facilitates bowel movements and enable the removal of gases.Better digestion:
Dietary fiber supports digestion and prevents incomplete digested food causes fermentation processes and thus flatulence.Gentler fermentation:
Soluble fiber is gently fermented in the intestine, which means less Flatulence is caused by foods that are difficult to digest.Reduction of intestinal sluggishness:
Dietary fiber accelerates intestinal transit time, resulting in less gas can accumulate in the intestines.Stabilization of the pH value in the intestine:
Dietary fiber can regulate the pH value in the intestine, which promotes the growth gas-forming bacteria.
Important: A sudden increase in fiber intake can right at the beginning, that is, the first 2 to 4 days, cause flatulence. If you are prone to constipation or are currently suffering from it, we recommend we recommend that you gradually increase the amount of fiber over 3 or 4 days. increase, starting with a small amount, and in any case from the beginning make sure you drink enough water.
7 General Health Benefits of Fiber
However, fiber is not only useful for flatulence and constipation, but can also make a valuable contribution to health, well-being and performance; these include:
Promoting healthy digestion:
Dietary fiber supports regular bowel function, prevents constipation and promote general intestinal health.Regulate blood sugar levels:
Soluble fiber slows down the absorption of sugar in the intestine, thereby Blood sugar spikes after meals should be avoided.Increase the feeling of satiety:
Foods rich in fiber ensure a longer lasting feeling of satiety, which helps with weight control.Lower cholesterol levels:
Soluble fiber binds cholesterol in the intestine and helps to to lower cholesterol levels in the blood.Promoting a healthy intestinal flora:
Dietary fiber serves as food for beneficial intestinal bacteria and promotes healthy gut microbiome.Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease:
By lowering cholesterol and improving blood sugar levels Fiber contributes to heart health.Reducing the risk of colon cancer:
A diet rich in fiber can reduce the risk of colon cancer because it accelerates intestinal transit and harmful substances faster is eliminated.
4 Reasons Why We Don't Eat Enough Fiber Today
When it comes to fiber , we should keep in mind that Modern eating habits can unfortunately lead to us eating too much in our everyday lives. consume little fiber. Important Reasons for a lack of fiber include:
High consumption of processed foods:
Many modern foods such as white bread, fast food, convenience foods and Snacks contain hardly any fiber, as this is often lost during processing. be removed.Low consumption of fruits and vegetables:
Many people do not eat the recommended daily portions of fruit and Vegetables, which are an important source of fiber.Popularity of low-carb and high-protein diets:
Diets that restrict carbohydrates often also reduce Consumption of fiber-rich foods such as whole grain products or Legumes. Low-carb and high-protein diets are not per se in In any case, this is bad, we are only concerned with drawing attention to it. make sure that when following such diets you specifically focus on a Make sure you eat enough fiber-rich foods. There are Many vegetables that provide almost no carbohydrates, as well as Nuts as a source of fiber in low-carb diets.Lack of awareness about the importance of fiber:
Many people are not aware of how important fiber is for the digestion and general health, and therefore they do not pay attention specifically on their supply.
medical studies on the benefits of fiber
Here are four important medical studies on the Health benefits of fiber :
EPIC study (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition)
- Focus: Relationship between fiber intake and risk of colon cancer.
- Result: A diet rich in fiber reduces risk of colon cancer is significant.
- Source: EPIC study on fiber and colorectal cancer
Nurses' Health Study (NHS) and Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS)
- Focus: Effects of dietary fiber on the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
- Result: A higher fiber intake is associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease.
- Source: NHS and HPFS on fibre and heart health
Meta-analysis of the Lancet study (2019)
- Focus: Influence of dietary fiber on overall mortality, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
- Result: A diet rich in fiber reduces Risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and overall mortality.
- Source: Lancet study on dietary fiber
Women's Health Initiative (WHI)
- Focus: Relationship between fiber intake and breast cancer risk.
- Result: Women with a high-fiber diet showed a lower risk of hormone-dependent breast cancer.
- Source: WHI study on fiber and breast cancer
These studies provide in-depth insights into the health benefits of fiber and emphasize their importance for the prevention of various ailments, which are so widespread today.
Jorinde Absorptive fiber preparation
For a sufficient supply of fiber, we recommend our Jorinde Absorptive Fiber Supplement .